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Memory of
Carlton A. Turner
by the state of texas after a first try 27th September 2007 on July 10th 2008

Carlton, we never really
fought a "legal battle" .... Love always,
4th ! many people celebrating the day "getting their freedom",
the day you were born, I'll never forget the date ...now .... Happy
Birthday Carlton...
Do you remember ...
2007 ? I have a smile on my face reading you...again . Thanks , I did all so
gladly! It was such easy and i remember my doubts taking a bath in your
pool **(Cleanliness is next
to...." June 2007 ) and
yes you were right, I was already in, smile

enclosed in the letter from July 17, 2007:    
(** Cleanliness
is next to...." June 2007  )
My memories go
forth and back,,, I start with the year 2007 in January

sometime in April, Carlton got to know about his scheduled death by the state of
Texas for September 27th 2007 ..... |
Subject: re: Carlton Turner
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 15:41:09 -0500
From: "Maurie Levin"
To: <CarltonTurner@deathrow-texas.com>
I am one of the attorneys that
helped to get Carlton a stay this past Thursday. He has a couple of
messages that he would like to pass on to "Petry" (sp?), but I'm not
sure of the appropriate address. If you could email at this address, I
will pass on the messages.
thank you
Maurie Levin

PH@deathrow-usa.com [mailto:PH@deathrow-usa.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007
3:13 PM
To: Maurie Levin
Subject: This Petra, again .... ok
a couple of messages through you you've said .... Here I'm, Thank You re:
Carlton Turner
PS: I have a family member, the 1th cousin of
Mrs. Tonya Turner, close here with me. She said, she "now" has a
mission to save Carlton's life and contacted the brother of Mrs Turner too. She asked
me if I know the attorney of Carlton, so she can contacting him..... I
would like to give Ms. Kristell Coleman your address, should I ?
Petra Hädrich-Kabacali

This Petra, again .... ok a couple of messages through you you've said .... Here
I'm, Thank You re: Carlton Turner |
Von: "Maurie
Levin" |
An: <PH@deathrow-usa.com> |
Datum: 02.10.07
22:32:49 Uhr  |
Hi – apologies for delay in replying.
You know, we didn’t get the stay until 10:30 at
Yes, it is fine to give Ms. Coleman my address.
Now that I know this is your proper address, I
wanted to also pass on two other requests from Carlton:
1 - He threw away all his papers on the 27th, so
would like to get from you any addresses you have.
2 - He also asked that you contact his friend in
Norway, Kjersti, to also let her know that he is ok.
From the legal perspective: Carlton
received a stay on what appeared to be the lethal injection issue (on which the
US Supreme Court granted certiorari, on a case out of Kentucky, two days
earlier). However, it could also be on a related procedural issue.
Regardless, we now have 90 days to file a cert petition, and it will be a good
while after that before anything moves in the case.
All to say, we have some time.
Best regards,
Maurie Levin
Carlton's second letter after his first
"planned death" ...from October 4th, 2007

The whole letter is published here:
Personne ici n'est innocent (Broché)
de Kjersti
Andvig (Auteur), Dorothée
Dupuis (Auteur), Bastien
Gallet (Auteur), Carlton
A. Turner (Auteur), Collectif
July 2010
Dear Carlton
 | Hey! Everything ok, smile.... Between your Birthday in July and
the day you were gone two years later, I sent your second book to the
publisher .....To
Hell - Farewell! The edition I did alone, so it
is obviously not the same purpose you and Noah had in mind or?!...but it
was a little second "farewell" for me creating the book and
stepping deeper again in your words....I sent the book to Irving
and talked to Noah, both want it more perfect, needing time, but you know
the perfectionist were you, never me... |
* I'll follow your words and do a second edition
then, if they want and come back to me ... but by now I enjoy a brillant book you have written ...
P.S. I didn't know Sheldon Ward was ill, he died in
May 2010 and believe it, I sent a copie of the book to him because of
his contribution ... Noah then told me about and only Irving and Noah are
remaining ...The copie to Sheldon returned.
Even in Japan I saw they offer your book ... Hey what
do you say, I know you would like to correct my edition and typos ...
but your poetry and short story is brillant written and takes everyone
with, who likes to be involved ...
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