State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Carroll J. Parr 

Texas set the day to die May 7 , 2013 for Carroll 


.....In the seconds before being injected with a lethal dose of pentobarbital, Carroll Joe Parr told his victim's wife she should talk to her brother to learn "the truth about what happened to your husband."

picture of offender

to: Page 2 from December 2008

By Carroll Joe Parr 

The United States Of Texas  

Life Has No Meaning  

I Dream Of A Better Day  

March 2007

 The United States Of Texas  

…is where the first Angel from Heaven was cast and instantly began to prevail and make this State a heartless Valley of Death .

 Just reading about this evil State makes your skin prickle.  I understand how that feels.  It does mine as well.  The evil energy outweighs itself.

 I want you to know that the higher forces here are addicted to the rush they feel when they decide to murder at free will.  As they tie a person down stripping them of their humanity – being in charge of whether they live or die, you can see the same morbid desire in their eyes as the young child saw in its molesters eyes.  And when there’s no one there to give them that rush from causing one’s fate, they’re taking hits in other states and getting paid a flat rate.  Now doesn’t that meet the charactistics of a snake?  “We contacted other states,” says Tia Bland, a New Mexico spokes woman, whose state has not executed anyone since.  But Texas was the only one willing to accept the contract, wrote Richard Willing USA Today Newspaper.

 There’s no justice cause this State’s heart is void of love, mercy or compassion and daily they crave that rush.  And all believers of what the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth teaches us, apply Luke 11:45-54.  If you can to the above and you may see that on there is blood.  Jesus said: I came not to change the law, but to fulfill the law.  So that makes the root to all evil, nothing other than…?  

There is never any wrong in a right nor any right in a wrong.  And if you’re a follower of Jesus did he not say, the one without sin be the first to cast the stone?  You are my sister!  You’re my brother and Jesus work through us to help one another.  Don’t leave me alone.  “I need help!”  Please, I heard that there’s about 50-70 guys here on Texas Death Row awaiting death dates.


Carroll Joe Parr #999479

Life Has No Meaning


When one has nobody to call on for help,

And there isn’t any tears left,

Life has no meaning.


When life is like the waves of an raging sea,

And there’s no light at the end of the darkness to see,

Life has no meaning.


When prayer cries seem to go unheard,

And one gets no peace from the Lords word,

Life has no meaning.


When pain becomes a middle name,

And there’s no escape from the venom that’s in this Texas fang,

One is murdering for fame without shame,

Life has no meaning.


When one is afraid 24 hours a day,

Disarray and dismay, nobody to say, it’ll go okay,

How can life have any meaning living that way,

I’m alone here on Texas Death Row,

So many days & nights, has no meaning…

…But who cares!?


Carroll Joe Parr #999479


I Dream Of A Better Day  

I dream of a better day, laying out in a evergreen field, looking up at the sunset, chewing on a straw of hay, smiling as I’ve won a prize, unable to conceal my happiness cause shows in my eyes.  Mind running wild 494 million miles away, as I lay foreseeing the day, that I will be able to watch my kids play.  

I dream of a better day, picking my little ones up from school, watching them swim in their pool, discipline for breaking the rules.  Smiles, cries, heart-to-heart truth but no lies.  My Daddy said this, my Daddy said that they’d say to each other, as if I wasn’t their sister and brother, Daddy too.  I all the time connected them by saying Our Daddy.  However, those two words “My Daddy” was engraved into their minds, I miss them so much just writing those few lines, got me one eye crying.  

Seeing them swinging up and down, dollars and change lost and found, me pushing the merry-go-round, round and around.  Heyday after heyday, brings forth of a better day, as I lay on my penitentiary bunk discombobulated fighting off thoughts of becoming dismay.  I’m in need of a better day as I lay and dream of a better day!!!  


Carroll Joe Parr #999479  



February 2007

" Life fading Away "

Hello World of Cyberspace -

      Dear Reader, it is and will always be my sincerest hopes, prayers and wishes that this little introduction letter finds you in the best of health spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally - and in every way ....

....and I hope that if you are facing any adversities and struggles that this letter reaches you ever rising in this stage of life as well others.

....After all adversity is the step to growth, and growth is the ladder to wisdom. May we all attain it.

       How and where to begin this letter ??? I don't even know ... Guess I can only go by the way of the heart. My name is Carroll J. Parr and I am 28 ½ years old, weighting close to 178 pounds and standing 5'5½ in height, African American with an "Snicker" brown complexion and a peculiar eye color of burnt orange brown, born under the sign Libna, my hobbies are -Now- L.O.L. Reading, writing, meditation, chess & sports. I have been locked on Texas Death Row for 2 years and 3 month 2 days of my young life. And last but most important, I can assure you that I am honest, caring, sensitive ...LOL and understanding man. So if you allow Carroll to become a friend of yours.

So openly communicate, to listen, to appreciate you. I want you to know I'll never lie to you through my words or actions. Remember thought plus Action equal


Please know that your sex nor looks matter so write and let’s share same energy

Utmost Love, Loyalty and Respect

Sent to you

from: Carroll J Parr AKA CJ

I can be reached at Polunsky Deathrow Unit ....


..... For a first contact, if you like please leave a regular address for response. Thank You.


Moi Espoir moi entendre de tu      



Carroll J. Parr #999479

July 2004

"One Last Chance"

In this site I want talk about indigent defendants who don't know the law and have to depend on court county appointed attorneys that most of the time do not give his or her client professional assistance. Death Row inmate and none Death Row inmates who's only have "One Last Chance" to prove their innocence or just get a fair trial.             

" An Appeal " is all we have to depend on.

And I'm afraid because my appeal lawyer and trial lawyers and district's attorneys are friends. They golf together, lunch together, and drink at the same bar, plus train together.

In Waco Texas, it's not a friendship of "I just know him or her from the job" It's a Christmas and other holidays plus birthday and classmates kind of friendship.

"Collusion" against the defendant

Utmost Respect sent from Carroll Parr

Thanks and God Bless You



Carroll Joe Parr -999479

Allen Polunsky Unit D.R. 3872 FM 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351



Carroll J. Parr #999479


“Eine letzte Chance”

Auf dieser Seite möchte ich über Angeklagte sprechen, die arm sind und das Gesetzt nicht kennen und sich auf Pflichtverteidiger verlassen müssen, die ihren Mandanten meistens keinen professionellen Beistand bieten. Todestraktinsassen oder keine Todestrakthäftlinge, die meist nur „eine letzte Chance“ haben, um ihre Unschuld zu beweisen oder auch nur eine faire Verhandlung bekommen sollen.

„Eine Berufung“ ist alles, worauf wir uns verlassen können.

Und ich habe Angst, denn mein Berufungsanwalt sowie mein Verfahrensanwalt und der Bezirksrichter sind Freunde. Sie spielen zusammen Golf, essen zusammen und trinken in der gleichen Bar, plus trainieren sie zusammen.

In Waco/Texas ist es nicht nur eine Freundschaft wie „ich kenne denjenigen nur so vom Job“. Es ist eine „Weihnachten und andere Feiertage plus Geburtstage und Klassentreffen – Art von Freundschaft“.

„Geheimes Einverständnis“ gegen den Angeklagten.

Hochachtungsvoll mit Respekt

Gesendet von Carroll Parr

Danke und möge Gott Sie schützen


Carroll Joe Parr # 999479

Allen Polunsky Unit D.R.

3872 FM 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351

Juli 2004


" Committed to the Fight for HumanRights"

" Dem Kampf um Menschenrechte gewidmet "

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