State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Kevin Michael Watts

 An Execution date is set for Kevin Michael Watts, 

October 16, 2008 



Kevin Watts confronted the judge scheduling his execution with an obscenity-laced tirade complaining about what he contended was a racist justice system.

But strapped to the death chamber gurney Thursday, his demeanor was subdued. He spoke softly, telling friends he appreciated their love and support and asked them to forgive him.

"I'm out of here, man," he concluded. "I'm gone. Keep me in your hearts."

He was pronounced dead at 6:17 p.m.

( In the paper news...)

R.I.P. Kevin   

June 2006

Friend To Be...

I'm a Man on Death Row and, in search for someone who's genuine, open, and most of allwilling to get to know a Individual thats been misunderstood.

I'm attracted to determination, admire, honestly, and interested in learning, as there isn't any limit to it within or out of this World. I like to read, express myself through poetry, exercise my body, and most of all write my Daughter, once or every other week, so she'll know when She is of age, that Daddy did not intentionally abandon her.

All I'm asking for is an Friendship, be able to do what friends do, bring one another to high spirits when it appears the sun is no longer shining and the World is against us, as well as being supportive of each others needs. I hope this isn't two steep of an request. All it takes is a drop of understanding and a drop of trust, that in time will create an Sea Deep Friendship.

Age, nationality, gender, and mind, set doesn't phase me. If you're looking for someone to be yourself with. I'm here. I'm sure its someone who wants to share their bright days and dark nights to an listening ear. The question is though, will you?

My name is Kevin Watts, and you'd be doing more than you imagine by providing me the opportunity to know You, and share Myself.


Kevin Michael Watts #999456

Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351




Juni 2006 

Freund, der Du werden kannst... Ich bin ein Mann im Todestrakt und ich suche nach jemanden, der echt und offen ist und der gewillt ist, jemanden kennen zu lernen, der missverstanden wurde. 

Mich zieht Entschlossenheit, Bewunderung, Ehrlichkeit und Interesse am Lernen an, da hier keine Grenzen gesetzt sind innerhalb oder außerhalb dieser Welt. Ich mag es zu lesen, mich durch Gedichte auszudrücken, meinen Körper zu trainieren und am meisten mag ich es, meiner Tochter zu schreiben, jede oder jede zweite Woche, damit sie weiß, wenn sie alt genug ist, dass ihr Vater sie nicht absichtlich verlassen hat. 

Alles, was ich möchte, ist Freundschaft, machen können, was eben Freunde machen, einander gedanklich zu erbauen, wenn es den Anschein hat, dass die Sonne nicht mehr scheint und die Welt gegen uns ist, uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen in unseren Bedürfnissen. Alles, was dafür notwendig ist, ist ein Tropfen Verständnis, ein Tropfen Vertrauen und mit der Zeit wird es eine tfronted the judge scheduling his execution with an obscenity-laced tirade complaining about what he contended was a racist justice system.

But strapped to the death chamber gurney Thursday, his demeanor was subdued. He spoke softly, telling friends he appreciated their love and support and asked them to forgive him.

"I'm out of here, man," he concluded. "I'm gone. Keep me in your hearts."

He was pronounced dead at 6:17 p.m.

( In the paper news...)

R.I.P. Kevin 
This photo released by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shows death row inmate Kevin Watts who was set for lethal injection Thursday, Oct 16, 2008 for the execution-style slayings of three people during a robbery at a Korean restaurant in San Antonio more than six years ago. The wife of one of the shooting victims also was abducted and raped. (AP Photo/Texas Department of Criminal Justice)



June 2006

Friend To Be...

I'm a Man on Death Row and, in search for someone who's genuine, open, and most of allwilling to get to know a Individual thats been misunderstood.

I'm attracted to determination, admire, honestly, and interested in learning, as there isn't any limit to it within or out of this World. I like to read, express myself through poetry, exercise my body, and most of all write my Daughter, once or every other week, so she'll know when She is of age, that Daddy did not intentionally abandon her.

All I'm asking for is an Friendship, be able to do what friends do, bring one another to high spirits when it appears the sun is no longer shining and the World is against us, as well as being supportive of each others needs. I hope this isn't two steep of an request. All it takes is a drop of understanding and a drop of trust, that in time will create an Sea Deep Friendship.

Age, nationality, gender, and mind, set doesn't phase me. If you're looking for someone to be yourself with. I'm here. I'm sure its someone who wants to share th