State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Howard Guidry #999226

Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351

For a first contact if you like: , please leave a postal address for resopnse. Thank You.


.... sent back to Death Row in a second trail, 2007 


Statement from Howard Guidry Oct. 19, 2006,

Michael Johnson used to be my next-door neighbor on death row. Many mornings we walked the outside recreation yard together. Though we were divided by a row of bars, I felt a strong connection to Michael because the main subject of most of our conversations was our innocence.

Michael would become very emotional and excited when he talked about his appeals and the opportunity he had to prove he did not commit the crime. He was a very intelligent man and sometimes, I could feel his frustration and at the slowness of the appeal process. He often confided in me that despite everybody involved in his case knowing he did not commit the crime, he still wasn’t sure he would get off death row.

Some days were better than others for Michael. Sometimes we’d walk the yard with few words being spoken. I know on those days Michael’s despair was high.

Michael had a strong spiritual foundation. He often shared tracts about Islam with me. A few days prior to me moving to another pod, Michael gave me several Islamic books and flashcards. I say this because I am confident Michael was coherent & I know his final act was made with a sound mind & spiritual conviction.

The appeal courts may not have granted Michael relief.
The State of Texas may have ignored his pleas of innocence.
The executioner may have been priming its poisons and sterilizing its needles to murder another human being.

However, I believe in the end we can take some small consolation in Michaels’ death because he was victorious. Michael destroyed the state’s plan to murder him. He took his own life. He freed himself. His last words, “I didn’t do it” that were scribbled in blood across one of the cold oppressive walls that held him resound painfully against those who represent Texas’ death penalty system.

May those words be our words, words than we repeat and we chant and we carry with us in our hearts to remember Michael Johnson. These words will remind the world that, yes, George Bush, we DO execute innocent people.

These words will remind us that we must continue the fight to abolish the death penalty because THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN.

Take Michael’s courage and spirit with you to Austin on October 28th for the annual march to stop executions and chant for me: Long live Michael Johnson!

Written by Howard Guidry from the Harris County Jail. Howard did ten years on Texas death row before the federal court told Harris County to release or retry him. Howard’s new trial is set for Jan. 29. 2007. For information see . 


                     I do not know how to introduce myself. The fact that I am on death row automatically alienates me from the greater majority of society. One has to truly posses a humanitarian spirit to even consider writing to a man condemned to die. To the one of you who take the time to read these sites I appreciate you.

                     My name is Howard Guidry. I am a 28 year old artist/poet from swampland of Louisiana. I've been incarcerated since the age of 18. Throughout these prison years I've developed from a child into a conscience black man. Prison has been my sanctuary. Here I have been able to liberate my mind in ways unimaginable when I was free. Death Row in and of itself is a psychological course. The realities & emotional extremes of this place is difficult to adapt to. But in doing so I've learned more about myself. & my appreciation for life has broadened.

                      Currently, I am working to save my life. I am a critical stage of my appeals but things are looking bright in September of 2003 my conviction was overturned and a federal Judge order me a new trail or released within 180 days. That order is temporary on hold because the attorney general has a right to appeal the judges order to the 5th circuit court, and has done so. If any one would like to get involved with the movement to save my life I am more than willing to speak about my case with you. (Serious inquiries only). I am completely open to friendship also. I am a very open person with pretty good sense of humor. Above all, I hope that I might lighten your days as I am sure your letters would do mine.

Howard Guidry #999226
Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston - Texas 77351



May, 2004



Ich grüße Dich


Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mich vorstellen soll. Die Tatsache, dass ich im Todestrakt bin, stößt bereits den Großteil der Gesellschaft ab. Jemand muss schon humanitärr sein um überhaupt einem Mann, der zum Tode verurteilt ist, zu schreiben. An diejenigen, die sich die Zeit nehmen, diese Seite zu lesen, schätze Dich dafür.


Mein Name ist Howard Guidry. Ich bin ein 28-jähriger Künstler/Poet vom Sumpfland Luisiana. Ich bin seit meinem 18. Lebensjahr eingesperrt. Durch die Gefängnisjahre entwickelte ich mich von einem Kind in einen schwarzen Mann mit Gewissen. Wie das Gefängnis war? Hier war es mir möglich, meine Einstellung zu ändern, wie es mir niemals möglich gewesen wäre, als ich frei war. Der Todestrakt von innen ist eigentlich ist ein Psychologiekurs. Es ist sehr schwer hier, mit der Realität und den emotionalen Extremen  klarzukommen. Aber während ich es tat, habe ich mehr über mich erfahren & mein Verständnis dafür, was das Leben einem gibt.


Im Moment arbeite ich daran, mein Leben zu retten. Meine Berufung ist in einem kritischen Stadium, aber es sieht gut aus. Im September 2003 wurde meine Verurteilung verworfen und ein Bundesrichter stimmt mir zu, mein Verfahren innerhalb von 180 Tagen neu aufzurollen. Das ist vorübergehend aufgehalten denn der Staatsanwalt hat das Recht, beim 5. Kreisgericht Einspruch zu erheben, und hat es auch getan. Wenn irgendjemand bei der Aktion, mein Leben zu retten, dabei sein will, bin ich mehr als gewillt, meinen Fall mit dir zu besprechen. (Bitte nur ehrlich gemeintes Interesse). Ich bin auch einer Freundschaft gegenüber offen eingestellt. Ich bin ein sehr offener Mensch und habe einen guten Sinn für Humor. Über all dem hoffe ich, dass ich vielleicht dir Freude bringen kann sowie ich sicher bin dass deine Briefe das schaffen werden.


Howard Guidry #999226

Adresse: Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351



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