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Arizona Death Row
Steven Parker # 253735
ASPC Eyman
P.O. Box 3400
Browning SMU II
Florence, Arizona 85132-3400
| A Man Stands Alone |
| (Untitled Haiku) |
July 2010 |
my name is Steven Parker and I am a Death Row inmate in Arizona.
Race/Nationalty: Half Vietnamese/Half Causasian and I am currently the only
inmate of Asian descent that I know of on Death Row in Arizona.
Education: 5 yrs at the Uneversity of Arizona and 1 year at Univ. of Phx
Interests: Reading (Urban Fantasy-Vampires/ Werewolves etc.) Music (
Alternative, New Age and some Pop) Musical Theater ( Cats, Phantom, Les Mes
etc.) Poker: ( Iused to deal poker at the Exculibur in Las Vegas)
Hobbies: SCA ( Society for Creative Anachronismus) Writin ( Poetry, short
stories and I#m working on a book)
Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to here from you.
Steven Parker ADC# 25735
Here are a couple poems .... :
A Man
Stands Alone
A man stands
At the edge of a cliff,
His footing
is steady,
But his mind is adrift.
The chasm is
Empty and black,
A chill wind
There is no turning back.
He closes his
To sights unseen,
enemies, lovers
His conscience is clean.
He takes a
step forward,
No fear on his face,
The winds of
fate are silent
For this fall from grace.
( Untitled Haiku)
Petals in the wind
Swirl recklessly in my mind
Never to take flight.