Steven Moody
!! Texas scheduled his excecution September 16, 2009 !! Steven Moody executed Sept. 16, 2009 Stephen Moody, a one-time oil field worker sentenced to die for the 1991 shotgun murder of a Houston drug dealer, went to his death Wednesday with expressions of love for his family but no apologies for his crime. “Warden, pull the trigger,” Moody commanded from the death house gurney. The lethal drugs began to flow at 6:20 p.m. He was declared dead eight minutes later. Moody was condemned for the Oct. 19, 1991, robbery-murder of Joseph Hall. He had directed his attorneys not to pursue an appeal to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles. Last spring he petitioned his judge to set his execution date as soon as possible. Life on death row, he said, was “cruel and unusual punishment.” In his last statement Wednesday, Moody addressed his victim's mother and son, telling them, “I can only ask that you have the peace that I do.”
Steven Moody # 999076 Polunsky Unit D.R.
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