State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Steven Moody 


!! Texas scheduled his excecution September 16, 2009 !!

Steven Moody executed Sept. 16, 2009

Stephen Moody, a one-time oil field worker sentenced to die for the 1991 shotgun murder of a Houston drug dealer, went to his death Wednesday with expressions of love for his family but no apologies for his crime.

“Warden, pull the trigger,” Moody commanded from the death house gurney.

The lethal drugs began to flow at 6:20 p.m. He was declared dead eight minutes later.

Moody was condemned for the Oct. 19, 1991, robbery-murder of Joseph Hall. He had directed his attorneys not to pursue an appeal to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Last spring he petitioned his judge to set his execution date as soon as possible. Life on death row, he said, was “cruel and unusual punishment.”

In his last statement Wednesday, Moody addressed his victim's mother and son, telling them, “I can only ask that you have the peace that I do.”


(The Twilight Zone)

Come be witness to the madness

As society collects its debt

Men who once knew Freedom

Now Vengeful Judgement has been set.....

To prove Killing wrong

They plan to put us all to death....

In this, the hand of Liberty

Justice for one and all

Innocence or guilt become only words

In a game of Verbal Volleyball....

As media Voltures Circle Round us

Wanting to watch as we eat our Last

They talk of shady characters

Out of scripts from our past

And await our death on display

Just beyond the Plexiglas....

A heart beat

Final Rhythm

And the state has made its Kill

The blindfolded eyes of justice

Once again bent to its will.....

But they hide our executioner

His face is never seen

To stay an unknown Killer

Seems to render his hands clean....

The confused, the lost, the unlucky

The rebel, quiet and still

These Live on

Within a twilight Zone

Between First and Lost appeal....



Written by:

24/03/2004/ Steven Moody #999076 /Death Row


My name is Steve and I'm looking for a good heart.

A little humor and some solid friendship. If you think meet these spec's pick your pen up and start the journey------I have a big heart of passion and I'm solid as rock. I'm people----


Steven Moody # 999076

Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351

Ich grüße Euch,

mein Name ist Steve und ich suche nach einem guten Herzen.

Ein bisschen Humor und solide Freundschaft. 

Wenn du glaubst, das trifft auch Dich zu,

dann nimm einen Stift und fang mit der Reise an

----- Ich habe ein großes Herz und Leidenschaft und

bin wie ein Fels in der Brandung. Ich bin ein Mensch ----

(Im Zwielicht)

Komm und bezeuge den Wahnsinn

Wie die Gesellschaft Ihren Tribut fordert

Männer die einst die Freiheit kannten

Sind jetzt verurteilt

Um zu beweisen, dass Töten falsch ist.

Planen sie uns alle zu töten…

Hier, von der Hand der Gerechtigkeit

Gerechtigkeit für einen und alle

Unschuld oder Schuld werden nur Worte

In einem verbalen Volleyballspiel…

Während Geier der Medien uns umkreisen

Und uns beim letzten Mahl zusehen wollen

Sie spechen von zwielichtigen Gestalten

Ausgelassen vom Drehbuch unserer Vergangenheit

Und in Erwartung unseres Todes auf dem Bildschirm

Nur  jenseits des Plexiglases….

Ein Herzschlag

Letzter Rhythmus

Und der Staat hat wieder getötet

Die verbundenen Augen der Justitia

Wurden wieder für deren Willen geneigt….

Aber sie verstecken unseren Henker

Sein Gesicht wird nie gesehen

Um ein unbekannter Killer zu bleiben

Er wäscht seine Hände in Unschuld...

Die Verwirrten, die Verlorenen, die Unglücklichen

Die Rebellen, ruhig und bewegungslos

Sie leben weiter

Im Zwielicht

Zwischen der ersten und der verlorenen Berufung….



Geschrieben von:

24/03/2004/ Steven Moody #999076 /Death Row Texas





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