State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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From ARIZONA's Death Row

Robert C. Towery 

Arizona set an execution date for March 8, 2012


Robert Towery was executed Thursday morning.

Beginning Feb. 2, the day he was taken from his regular cell at the Arizona State Prison Complex-Eyman in Florence and put on "Death Watch," Towery chronicled his life for his attorneys. There, he was housed with fellow Death Row inmate Robert Moormann, who was executed Feb. 29.

On March 7, his last night on Earth, Towery was taken a few miles down the road to "Housing Unit 9," in the main prison, where Arizona carries out executions by lethal injection. He made his last diary entry the next morning.

These are excerpts from that diary - Towery's words, his descriptions of the tedium, the rituals, the security, the indignities and the humanity, precisely as he wrote it - right up to the morning of his execution.

Read more:

January 2006

My name is Robert Charles Towery, but all of my friends just call me "Chewie". I'm a 41 year old white male looking for some good friends to be my windows to the world. I love outdoors, animals and kids. (I have a 15 year old son; Corey Robert!) I'm a mechanic by trade, and I live and ride "Harley" ! I'm mostly into Rock n Roll, but I listen to just about everything.
Drawing and writing poetry are just a couple of the hobbies I've enjoyed over the years, as I'm already here a while; ( I was arrested in September of 1991, and arrived on the row December of '92. )
I'm not looking for love or romance, nor am I into scams and games. I honestly don't have the time for it. I'm just looking for real people with real hearts. Who will bring a bit of sunshine and light into this windowless dungeon. I will answer all who write, and hope to hear from you soon!     

Robert C. Towery


Robert C. Towery
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Mein Name ist Robert Chales Towery aber alle meine Freunde nennen mich nur “Chewie”. Ich bin 41 Jahre alt, weiß, männlich und suche gute Freunde die für mich das Fenster zur Welt sein möchten. Ich liebe die Natur, Tiere und Kinder. (Ich habe einen 15 jährigen Sohn; Corey Robert!) Von Beruf bin ich Mechaniker und lebe und fahre “Harley”! Am liebsten höre ich Rock n Roll aber ich höre auch so ziemlich alles andere.

Zeichnen und Gedichte schreiben sind nur einige meiner Hobbies denen ich über die Jahre nachgehe, da ich ja auch schon eine Weile hier bin (ich wurde im September 1991 verhaftet und kam im Dezember 1992 in den Todestrakt).

Ich suche keine Liebe oder Romanze, und auch keine Betrügereien oder Spielchen. Dafür habe ich wirklich keine Zeit. Ich suche einfach nur echte Menschen mit echten Herzen. Die mir ein bisschen Sonnenschein und Licht in dieses fensterlose Verlies bringen. Ich werde allen antworten die mir schreiben und hoffe bald von dir zu hören!

Robert C. Towery

Robert C. Towery AZ # 51550 


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