State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Robert Gene Garza 

Law of Parties

TEXAS EXECUTION Robert Garza on September 19, 2013 


Robert Garza smiled and blew a kiss to friends and relatives as they entered the death chamber. In a brief final statement, he thanked them for coming and told them he loved them.

"I know it's hard for you," he said. "It's not easy. This is a release. Y'all finally get to move on with your lives."

He was pronounced dead at 8:41 p.m. CDT, 26 minutes after a lethal dose of pentobarbital began flowing into his arms.


July 2005


my name's Robert Garza.

The purpose of this page, well you probably know, but let me tell you ! I'm on Texas Death Row and would like a pen pal. I'll tell you a bit about my self now just to give you an idea.

I'm 22 years old, Hispanic, and I'm about 155 pounds. I like to draw, read, listen to the radio. I take advantage of the little I can right now. Also I'm currently working on my appeals. Taking time to study law. My struggle here on Death Row continues daily. But I stay focus on the good things to keep me strong. If you decide to write that's a good thing!

So I'm out for now, but hope to hear from you soon, Peace and Love


Robert Gene Garza    



Juli 2005


Mein Name ist Robert Garza.

Der Grund dieses Schreibens, sicherlich wissen Sie es, aber lassen Sie mich erzählen! Ich bin im Todestrakt von Texas und hätte gerne einen Brieffreund. Ich erzähle Ihnen ein wenig über mich, damit Sie eine Vorstellung haben.

Ich bin 22 Jahre alt, Hispanic, und wiege etwa 71 kg. Ich male gerne, lese, höre Radio. Ich mache das wenige, was ich zur Zeit tun kann. Ich arbeite momentan an meiner Berufung. Ich studiere das Recht. Mein Kampf im Todestrakt dauert täglich an. Aber ich versuche, das Gute zu sehen um stark zu bleiben. Wenn Sie entscheiden, zu schreiben, dann ist das eine gute Sache!

Also, ich geh dann mal wieder, aber ich hoffe bald von Ihnen zu hören.
Friede und Liebe
Bis dann 
Robert Gene Garza