State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

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Donald L. Aldrich   

executed by the state of Texas October 12, 2004

Taken with his last visits.... 

Donald and Katie, 11th October 2004


Donald was pronounced dead October 12, 2004 at 6:18 p.m., 14 minutes later.

Rest in Peace dear Donald!

HUNTSVILLE - Donald Loren Aldrich lay silent on the gurney in the greenbricked room, his body clad in white linen, as he was executed Tuesday night.

"To the (Nicolas) West family, I would just like to apologize for your loss," Aldrich said during his last statement. "I hope that you can forgive me." No witnesses on behalf of the victim were present during Aldrich's death.

"To my family and loved ones and friends, I thank all of you all for your support and I am sorry for the pain and hurt I have caused you," he said. "I love you all and I will see you on the other side. OK, warden."

Kathleen Tansley, a friend of Aldrich, held her left hand against the glass during the execution. Spiritual adviser Deacon Al O'Brien held up a crucifix while other friends of Aldrich looked on. His witnesses also included friends Irene Wilcox, Brandy Palmer and Jack Wilcox.

Aldrich took a few gasps of air after the poisonous solution began flowing into his body. He soon fell silent and closed his eyes. He was pronounced dead at 6:18 p.m., 14 minutes later.

"May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace," O'Brien said.

The other witnesses there in the small room to support Aldrich replied, "Amen."

There were about a dozen protesters outside the prison unit. Some held signs but they remained fairly quiet as witnesses were led into the building.

Aldrich was executed Tuesday night after his last-minute appeals were denied....

Source: Tyler Morning Telegraph 2004

We come together as friends of Donald L. Aldrich

Read my "Dreambook"
Sign my "Dreambook"


Writ up on the TRI-CROSS by Donald -Sept. 2004

 My first chance/ The greatest gift by Farley Matchett and  photos...

Donald's Gedichte//Donald's Poems:

Seize Us, Lord Jesus//Ergreife uns,  Herr Jesus

Einfache Gedanken//Simple Thoughts

Three Words

Why God Why? //Warum Gott warum?

It's Your Choice


Beschimpft und gebrochen...//Abused and broken….

In deinem Herz…//In your heart...

The magic of love….




Donald L. Aldrich #999113

Polunsky Unit Death Row

By D.L Aldrich

Writ up

- from September 2004



The Tri-Cross is a representation of the Holy Trinity,which I did not design, but God did through me. In the Trinity it is God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three separate persons, yet one God. The Tri-Cross is three separate crosses yet one cross, each of which represents one of the Trinity.

The Purple Cross represents God. In olden times, purple was reserved for royalty such as kings and queens. And God the Father being the Most High King, it is only fitting that His cross is purple. His cross is also centered as God the Father is the center of all, and never changing.

The Red Cross represents Jesus Christ for the blood He shed for our sins. Facing God the Father our left is God’s right, and Jesus sits at God’s right hand. Also a son is below his father, so this cross is positioned this way in the Tri-Cross.

The Blue Cross represents the Holy Spirit. This is for two reasons I can think of, as I did not pick the colors used in the Tri-Cross. The first is if God the Father put Himself into both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is represented in red, then the Holy Spirit must be in blue.Why you ask? You mix red and blue to get purple.The second reason I can think of is, when we think of a ghost or a spirit we think of something transparent. One thing on this Earth everyone knows like this is water, and on a map water is seen as blue. Also we are baptized in water to receive the gi:ft of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the last to come and comes from up high, so is positioned as is in the Tri-Cross.

As you see a cross for each in the Trinity, yet one cross as they are all three joined at the corners by what I call God’s Love for us. Three separate, yet one cross.

This is not a trick question, but which cross do you see in the front, the red or the blue? A nice aspect of the Tri-Cross is these two crosses appear to jump back and forth, which is an illusion possible due to the gold spots in the Tri-Cross. Here is how I see it, if you see the Red Cross in the front, Christ is interceding for yohe front, Christ is interceding for you something on your behalf. If you see the Blue Cross up front then you are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Purple Cross stays in the center, as God is center of all. He’s never changing; He’s always the same. The illusion of the two cross jumping back and forth is a reminder that it’s not just one person of the Trinity alone who was crucified, and working alone for the salvation of souls, but all three persons of the Trinity who were crucified as one, and working together as a team to save my soul. (John 14:9-17)

I pointed out earlier the illusion of the Tri-Cross is possible due to the gold points in the Tri-Cross where each cross intersects. An interesting thing about this is the gold points fall into groups of three, and it was three nails that held Christ to the cross.

Now using points in the Tri-Cross, I will show you the number of books in both Catholic and Protestant Bibles, as well as both Old and New Testaments. First there are 66 books in the Protestant Bible, to show you these I need to point out that cross has 12 corners on it. Looking at the Tri-Cross, you, in a sense have 4 crosses, 3 separate crosses, yet 1 big cross . Now if you take the corners of all 4 of these crosses, and add the 18 gold points;     12x4=48+18=66. The number of books in the Proestant Bible. For the Old Testament which has 39 bocks you take the corners of 3 separate crosses, and add the 3 crosses to it; 12x3=36+3=39. Now für the New Testment in both Catholic and Protestant Bibles which hag 27 books we look at it a differently. It is God’s Love für us that He sent Jesus Christ to die für our sins, and then the Holy Spirit to both comfort, and counsel us. So at all 12 corners He reaches out in both directions. So you add all 12 corners twice for a total  of 24 plus the 3 crosses, and you get 27.

The Catholic Bible has 73 books, for these we take the 3 crosses which have corners, and 12 sides. Added together you get 72; 12x3=36x2=72. The Tri-Cross being 1 big cross you add that to this and you get 73 the number of books in the Catholic Bible. For the Old Testament and the 46 books, we have to look at the Tri-Cross a couple ways we already have. First taking the 12 corners of God’s Love added twice; 12x2=24, plus the 18 gold points; 24+18=42. As stated earlier looking at the Tri-cross, you, in a sense have 4 crosses, 3 separate crosses, yet l  big cross. Add these 4 crosses to 42;42+4=46, the number of books in the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible.

The Tri-Cross has 12 corners, and an interesting thing about having 12 corners and having three crosses in the Tri-Cross is each in the Trinity has something to do with the number 12. God the Father has 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus Christ had 12 disciples, and the Holy Spirit first fell on the 12 apostles on the Day of Pentecost, (Acts 2:1-6.) They picked Matthias the day before to replace Judas, (Acts 1:24-26.)

My original design was for across-stitched Tri-Cross bookmarker. Under the Tri­Cross I put  II Cor.13:14, as it speaks of the Trinity which the Tri-Cross represents, and this verse is a blessing. II Cor.13:14 reads. ”May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” As Christians living under the New Testament, we live under the grace of Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Not only does this verse describe the New Testament, but if you add the verse and the chapter together 14+13=27 which is the number of books in the New Testament.            ‘

For this part you need to look at the picture of Olle of my markers,arid 1111 show you the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of’Christ in the Tri-Cross. On the marker the Tri-Cross is on the upper part with the verse below it. The Tri-Cross touches the border in three places, top and both sides, going a little overhalf way to the bottom from the top. Now Jesus Christ was 30 years old when he started his ministry. For his age here we take the corners of the red cross and add the 18 gold points; 12+18=30. An interesting thing about starting with the corners of the red cross is the first time Jesus Christ spoke out and taught in the temple in Jerusalem; he was 12 years old, (Luke 2:41-50). His public ministry lasted about 3½, years or so, and the Tri-Cross touches the border in 3 places, going slightly over half way to the bottom from the top, say for 3½ or just over, the length of Jesus Christ's ministry. He died on a cross, the big one, and rose on the 3rd day; a cross for each day, and he left the grave empty, so I leave the cross empty now also, where I use to fill it in.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you always.

In Christ Jesus,

God Bless,  

Donald L. Aldrich


-- Texas Death Row --


© D. L. Aldrich

Seize Us, Lord Jesus
by D.L.Aldrich

We pray to thee, Lord Jesus,
Convict our hearts and seize us.
On knee our sins we will confess,
Our lives we ask You now to bless.
Seize us Lord Jesus, and hold our hand,
Give us of Your strength as we take a stand.
Though our spirits are willing, our flesh is weak,
So its Your forgiveness, grace, and mercy we seek.
Seize us Lord Jesus, stand by our side,
Help us overcome such as envy, lust and pride.
To walk that path both narrow and true,
The only one that will lead us to you.
Seize us Lord Jesus and hold us tight,
Protect us from evil with all Your might.
Heal us fully mind, body and soul,
To join You in heaven is our one true goal.
Our lives we ask You now to bless,
On knee our sins we do confess.
Convict our hearts and seize us,
This we pray to thee, Lord Jesus

4 December 2001



In your heart….            by D.L.Aldrich
It's happiness you give to me,
For in your hands you hold the key.
The one that fit's inside my heart.
Even though we are worlds apart.
This smile you put upon my face
Knowing in your heart I have a place,
A special place that's all my own,
A truer love I've never known,
Your eyes they sparkle when you do,
Whisper softly, " Baby I love you !"

February 2001



Simple thoughts
by D.L.Aldrich

Simple thoughts, I'll always know,
Simple thoughts, they come and go.
Simple thoughts, in many ways,
Simple thoughts, help pass my days,
Simple thoughts, will always be,
Simple thoughts, of you and me.
Simple thoughts, a simple smile,
Simple thoughts, of you awhile.
Simple thoughts, from up abrove,
Simple thoughts, of you my Love.


December 24, 2000


Three Words 
By D. L. Aldrich

Said on the day I was sentenced to die,
Even today, you still wonder, Why?
Wanting to say, "Baby I Love You!
Please tell me know, what do we do?"
They came out wrong in your moment of pain,
As your eyes dropped tears like a heavy rain.
Three words, they echo inside your head,
Three words you wish you never said.
"I hate you," for ripping my world apart!
"I hate you," for this pain in my heart!
Only the ends of which were never spoken,
Kept silent by your heart now broken.
To change these words to, I Love You!
You only wish now you could do.
These words you know will help you heal,
These three words say how you really feel.
Now with feelings both tried and true,
I know you'd say, "Baby, I Love You!" 

6 Sept. 2000  


The magic of love….   By D. L. Aldrich

From seconds, to minutes, to hours, to days,
Your memory is with me in so many ways.
We're always together though so far apart,
Your love is forever locked inside my heart.
Wanting to hold you in my arms so tight.
And keeping you close throughout the night,
Tto kissing you softly, while you sleep,
It's your love I treasure and want to keep
So when times get hard and you know they will,
Just close your eyes and be very still,
Our love is magic as you will see
It brings me to you and you to me
Now we're always together, though so far apart,
By the magic of love found inside our heart.

22 April 2000


Abused and broken….          

By D. L. Aldrich                         

These things unpleasant, these things unseen

A broken child by words harsh and mean,

Feeling uncomfortable and very ill,

As your body is violated by a touch or feel

Told you’re loved with the back of a hand

Never knowing where you really stand

They stick you here, and stick you there,

And you wonder do they even care ?

With alcohol, drugs, and shameful tears,

You’re growing old before your years.

Sitting in silence as you think and cry,

You scream at God and ask him why.

A broken child by words harsh and mean,

These things unpleasant, these things unseen.

                                   October 2000


Sadness….            By D. L. Aldrich
Talents wasted,
Joys unknown,
Days of sadness,
Spent alone,
Never feeling
A loved one's touch,
Always wanting
Missing much.
To feel the rain,
Or see the stars
Is not an option,
Thru these bars.
Seeing the world,
At a glance,
From this hell
Just no chance !

November 1999 



Why God Why?               By D. L. Aldrich

Unanswered prayers, shattered hopes, and empty dreams,

My life, its hopeless, or so it seems.

Full of anger, pain, and turmoil, as life goes on,

Much like a violent whirlpool in a tiny pond.

Taking all my faith and trust,

As it crumbles them into dust.

Over and over I cry out in vain,

"Why God why, such turmoil and pain?"

My life, it's hopeless, or so it seems,

Due to my unanswered prayers, shattered hopes and empty dreams. 

5 Oct. 1999


It's Your Choice 

        By D. L. Aldrich


We listen as the story's told,

To our young, from our old.

In heaven there's no pain, no sorrow,

No more worries about tomorrow.

Jesus is waiting, waiting for you,

There's only one thing you have to do.

Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,

Be forgiven for your sinful behavior.

Yes, Jesus is coming, He's coming soon,

Anytime from midnight to noon.

Sent clouds from high above,

His arms wide open, and full of Love.

Now accept His forgiveness and peace of mind,

Knowing today you won't be left behind.

There in heaven, we'll all rejoice,

Choose now my friend, it's your choice.


22 Oct 1999



Ergreife uns,  Herr Jesus
von D.L.Aldrich

Wir beten zu Dir, Herr Jesus,
Nehme unsere Herzen und ergreife uns.
Auf Knien gestehen wir unsere Sünden,
Unsere Leben, bitten wir Dich jetzt zu segnen.
Ergreife uns Herr Jesus und halte unsere Hand,
Gebe uns von Deiner Stärke wie wir tragen diesen Stand. 
Obwohl unser Geist bereit ist, ist unser Fleisch schwach,
Deshalb ist es Deine Vergebung, Anmut und Gnade,
Die wir suchen.
Ergreife uns und stehe an unserer Seite,
Helfe uns Neid, Begierde und Stolz zu überwältigen.
Um diesen Pfad sowohl schmal als auch wahr zu gehen,
Der Einzige, der uns zu Dir führen wird.
Ergreife uns Herr Jesus und halte uns eng,
Schütze uns vor dem Bösen mit all Deiner Macht.
Heile unseren Verstand, Körper und Seele, vollständig,
Sich mit Dir im Himmel zu verbinden ist unser eines Ziel.
Unsere Leben, bitten wir Dich jetzt zu segnen,
Auf Knien gestehen wir unsere Sünden.
Nehme unsere Herzen und ergreife uns,
Dieses beten wir zu Dir, Herr Jesus

4. Dezember 2001


Einfache Gedanken
von D.L.Aldrich

Einfache Gedanken, werde ich immer kennen,
Einfache Gedanken, sie kommen und gehen,
Einfache Gedanken, auf vielen Wegen,
Einfache Gedanken, helfen meinem Tag zu vergehen,
Einfache Gedanken, werden immer sein,
Einfache Gedanken, von Dir und mir sind mein,
Einfache Gedanken, ein einfaches Lächeln,
Einfache Gedanken, von Dir, ein Märchen,
Einfache Gedanken, mit aller Tiefe,
Einfache Gedanken, von Dir meine Liebe.

24.Dezember 2000


Warum Gott Warum?

Unbeantwortete Gebete, zerbrochene Hoffnungen und leere Träume,

Mein Leben, es ist hoffnungslos, oder so scheint es.

Voller Ärger, Schmerz und Aufruhr, so läuft das Leben weiter,

Stark wie ein gewaltsamer Strudel in einem kleinen Teich.

All mein Glauben und Vertrauen ist genommen,

wie in Staub zerronnen.

Immer und immer wieder weine ich vergeblich hinaus,

"Warum Gott warum, solch ein Aufruhr und Schmerz?"

Meine Leben, es ist hoffnungslos oder so scheint es,

wegen meiner unbeantworteten Gebete, 

zerbrochenen Hoffnungen und leeren Träume. 

5. Okt. 1999 



Talente verschwendet,
Freuden unbekannt,
Tage der Traurigkeit,
allein verbracht,
nie gefühlt, eine Berührung
von einem geliebten Menschen,
immer gewollt,
und sehr vermisst.
Regen zu fühlen,
oder Sterne zu sehen
es gibt keine Möglichkeit,
durch diese Gitterstäbe.
Die Welt sehen,
mit einem flüchtigen Blick,
aus dieser Hölle
gar keine Chance!

November 1999

Beschimpft und gebrochen...

Diese unerfreulichen Dinge, diese ungesehenen Sachen.

Ein gebrochenes Kind durch Wörter barsch und gemein,

Fühlt sich unwohl und sehr allein,

Wie dein Körper wird gebrochen,

Durch eine Berührung oder Gefühl,

Mit dem Rücken einer Hand erzählt,

Du würdest geliebt.

Nie wissend, wo du wirklich stehst,

Sie stellen dich ab mal hier und dort,

Und du fragst dich, haben sie sich je gesorgt?

Mit Alkohol, Drogen, und schändlichen Tränen,

Du wächst heran und wirst alt vor deinen Jahren.

In Stille sitzend, du denkst und weinst,

Du schreist nach Gott und fragst warum.

Ein gebrochenes Kind durch Wörter barsch und gemein,

Diese Sachen unerfreulich, diese Dinge ungesehen.

Oktober 2000


In deinem Herz….

Es ist Glück, dass Du mir gibst.
Der Schlüssel dafür ist in Deinen Händen.
Der Eine, der  zu meinem Herzen passt.
Sogar und owohl durch Welten getrennt.
Dieses Lächeln, dass Du auf mein Gesicht bringst,
wissend in deinem Herzen, ich habe einen Platz,
den einen, der ganz mein Eigen ist,
eine wahrere Liebe habe ich nie gekannt, 
Deine Augen funkeln,  
wenn du sanft zu mir flüsterst " Baby, Ich liebe Dich!"

February 2001

Die Magie der Liebe....

Von Sekunde, zu Minute, zu Stunden, zu Tagen,

Deine Erinnerung ist bei mir auf solch viele Arten.

Wir sind immer zusammen, obwohl so weit getrennt,

Deiner Liebe ist für ewig in meinem Herzen verschlossen.

Möchte Dich halten in meinen Armen so zärtlich,

Und Dich umschlingen hindurch durch die Nacht,

Um Dich sanft zu küssen, während Duc schläfst,

Es ist Deine Liebe, die ich schätze und halten möchte

So wenn die zeiten hart werden und Du weißt sie werden es,

Schließe nur deine Augen und sei ganz ruhig,

Unsere Liebe ist magisch, du wirst es sehen

Sie bringt mich zu Dir und Dich zu mir

Nun wir sind für immer zusammen, obwohl so weit getrennt,

Durch die Magie der Liebe in unseren Herzen,

Die dort brennt.

22. April 2000


 My first chance/ The greatest gift by Farley Matchett and  photos...