State-administered death is always a greater horror than any other by virtue of the methodical reasoning that precedes it. French philosopher Albert Camus wrote that "capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders". "The United States' concept of justifiable homicide/Executions in criminal law stands on the dividing line between an excuse, justification and an exculpation. In other words, it takes a case that would otherwise have been a murder or another crime representing intentional killing, and either excuses or justifies the individual accused from all criminal liability or treats the accused differently from other intentional killers.

All Names A - Z


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Carlos Trevino #999235

Polunsky Unit D.R.
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston -  Texas  77351

For a first contact if you like:, please leave a postal address for a response. Thank you


Poetry by Carlos Trevino


Carlos and his son....

" Mireya " By: Carlos Trevino - Enero 2007  
Some more of my thoughts...

By Carlos Trevino 

When dealing with your heart, when you have your heart broken very bad.
Your heart becomes rare to giving it away. You give second thoughts to
everything you do concerning your heart. And is why it means even more,
when you do give your heart away again....

August 2006

Augusto/ Septiembre 2006  


"John 19:17" not for sale...

Drawings below are submitted to the Exhibition in Austin,TX - May 6-22, 2006 : Justice for All? Artists Reflect on the Death Penalty

Artwork sales are encouraged for help. A minimum price we would accept for Carlos artwork: 70 $ a piece.(The Originals are without titles in front) 


- "Mr Boots" was SOLD with the Houston Death Penalty artshow / -

"Mr.Boots" is to exhibited with -- ARTISTS REFLECT ON THE DEATH PENALTY!! The death penalty art show will be exhibited in Houston at M2 from February 10 - 18, 2007 with an opening night reception at 7 PM on the 10th. The gallery is located at 325 West 19th Street in Houston (Map). There will be a gallery talk Friday, Feb 16, at 7 PM with Mary Mikel Stump, Gallery Director of the JCM gallery at Texas State University.

Back - Carlos Trevino on Death Row Texas - Todesstrafe

THE NEW ONES ... free for sale

" Hermanos " By Carlos Trevino, TX 

Dicembre 2005

" Mina " By Carlos Trevino, TX - Dicembre 2005

Drawing sold during the exhibition....

Betreff: Death Penalty Art Show
Dear Carlos,
Congratulations! The jury for the art show: "Justice for All?: Artists Reflect on the Death Penalty" has selected your artwork entitled "MINA" as one of the artworks to be exhibited in the art show at Gallery Lombardi in Austin from May 6-22, 2006. 

The jury consisted of Annette Carlozzi, Senior Curator of the Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art; Malaquias Montoya, an artist living in California; and Lora Reynolds, owner of Austin's Lora Reynolds Gallery. 300 artists submitted more than 700 works of art for this show. The jury
selected 50 artworks for exhibition at Gallery Lombardi. We would have liked to have selected more artworks but we were limited by the amount of space at Gallery Lombardi.

We ask that you either ship your work to Austin to arrive by May 2 or, if you live nearby, you can drop it off in person at Gallery Lombardi on May 2 between noon and 7:30 PM. If you need to make special arrangements to drop it off on another day, please let us know. We need to have the artwork by May 2, so that we can arrange the exhibition in time for the opening night on May 6.The artwork should be shipped so that it is ready to be displayed when it arrives. Shipped work must be sent in a sturdy, re-usable container to be usedfor return of the work. Please include a pre-paid return shipping label withyour address, so that we can return your work. As stated in the prospectus, shipping costs
to and from the gallery arethe sole responsibility of the exhibiting artist. Work will be packed and shipped for return a week afterthe show closes.

The address of Gallery Lombardi, if you want to drop off your artwork in person on May 2 is:

910 West Third Street
Austin, Texas.

We hope to see you at the gallery on opening night. We will send more details later regarding the opening night reception, but the expected start time is 7 PM. The awards will be announced at the gallery on opening night.

Images of the artwork will be posted to the website on May 6. We plan to post images in the online exhibition of all the artwork that was submitted, as well as highlighting those works selected by the jury for the exhibition at Gallery Lombardi.
The address of Gallery Lombardi, if you want to drop off your artwork in person on May 2 is:

910 West Third Street
Austin, Texas.

We hope to see you at the gallery on opening night. We will send more details later regarding the opening night reception, but the expected start time is 7 PM. The awards will be announced at the gallery on opening night.

Images of the artwork will be posted to the website on May 6. We plan to post images in the online exhibition of all the artwork that was submitted, as well as highlighting those works selected by the jury for the exhibition at Gallery Lombardi.
The address of Gallery Lombardi, if you want to drop off your artwork in person on May 2 is:

910 West Third Street
Austin, Texas.

We hope to see you at the gallery on opening night. We will send more details later regarding the opening night reception, but the expected start time is 7 PM. The awards will be announced at the gallery on opening night.

Images of the artwork will be posted to the website on May 6. We plan to post images in the online exhibition of all the artwork that was submitted, as well as highlighting those works selected by the jury for the exhibition at Gallery Lombardi.
The address of Gallery Lombardi, if you want to drop off your artwork in person on May 2 is:

910 West Third Street
Austin, Texas.

We hope to see you at the gallery on opening night. We will send more details later regarding the opening night reception, but the expected start time is 7 PM. The awards will be announced at the gallery on opening night.

Images of the artwork will be posted to the website on May 6. We plan to post images in the online exhibition of all the artwork that was submitted, as well as highlighting those works selected by the jury for the exhibition at Gallery Lombardi.
We hope to see you at the gallery on opening night. We will send more details later regarding the opening night reception, but the expected start time is 7 PM. The awards will be announced at the gallery on opening night.

Images of the artwork will be posted to the website on May 6. We plan to post images in the online exhibition of all the artwork that was submitted, as well as highlighting those works selected by the jury for the exhibition at Gallery Lombardi.




" Committed to the Fight for HumanRights"

" Dem Kampf um Menschenrechte gewidmet "

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